martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015


1.     The  first   takeway  is  that I have to be  aware  of  expectations of  my  students  when  coming  into  the  classroom, If I  want  to  get  the  respect  of  them, the planning  is  the  main aspect to  take  care  of.   A  teacher  also represents  a  leader  for  students,  most  of  them  are  observing, analizig and  waiting    much  of  his/her  actions  and  behaviorism since he starts a  process. So we  as  teachers  have to be  careful  of our rol.

2.   We  should  know of  our students their   lives, living  conditions, expectations, dreams  and  so much  data  we  can do it  so  that  we  help  them in their  learning  process.

3.    We  as  teachers have  to  learn  how  to  work  in a  team,  sometimes  it  is  necessary  to  share strategies, experiencies and  to Know  if  we  can  implement  new  ideas that  they  have  done  in the  classroom.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015


Although the last module still pending, I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the training results and the quality of training that I have received from you at  Haaga  Helia. I started with you in August  of  2014 and have been coming for six weekly sessions for almost  30 hours. Since last  year I have learnt  so  many  important things that I  never  considered  important   for  my  job  before. Right now I feel  much  better and more  aware of   small  details  of  my  teaching  practice.
The information have been excellent. I have had teachers  in the past, but never one of such high quality and able to push me to obtain such satisfactory results.  Be updated  is always important and with a  team  of the highest quality. Your workshops were always varied and challenging however I have not experienced any discouragement. Thanks for ensuring that this does not occur with this training.
Thank you so much for your guidance, support and excellent training. I have learned many things from your training sessions that I will carry forward each time that I visit the  classroom.
Sincere regards,

Rodrigo  Alberto Jácome